Buttons By Lou Lou's shop is filled with colour and gorgeous accessories for women and girls of all ages.
Lou says, "I suddenly began seeing fabric covered buttons everywhere I went and was intrigued as to how they were made. I tried different buttons and fabrics and with trial and error and some lovely advice I have come this far and now know what I am doing!"

"It started as an idea for gifts for my older sons friends, my nieces, etc. and I got a bit obsessed."
Lou is friendly and her little goodies arrive very nicely packaged, ready for gift giving.
I purchased these gorgeous babushka doll elastics for my girls amongst a few other things for them, and I know they'll just love them - as do I!

Please visit Lou's shop and check out her wide range from: buttons, hair clips, elastics to earrings and brooches, I'm sure you'll find lots of wonderful things for the little girl or lady in your life.

her items are just adorable!!!
I just love the cupcake buttons. Might have to take up sewing again!
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