Strawberries and Cream is an absolutely gorgeous store...I just knew I needed to purchase from here right away and quickly feel in love with these beautiful, and beautifully made, LINEN CHRISTMAS TREES PEACE

They arrived quickly from the UK to Melbourne and sit atop a ledge where I can see them, every day over this festive season, in my work area.
Theresia is lovely to deal with, she answers all questions promptly and she's super professional too!
She loves to work with linen and wool fabric. She says 'not the easiest of fabrics to "play" with but the results are always wonderful!'
Most of her dolls are one of a kind and a great deal of work goes into bringing her creations to life. Most of them are partly machine and handsewn.
You can find more of her work on her website and go check out her blog too!

These are so very sweet! Look at the expression on that deer - adorable!
So cute! Beautiful work :)
Yes I love the fabrics that she works with....and those trees are real classics.
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